Health Department
We are totally committed in building healthy people, not only by making available quality medical care facilities at the door step of every citizen in the remotest corner of our district, but also striving hard to provide the preventive, curative and promotive care to all classes of the society.
The District Headquarters Hospital is situated in the heart of the Ramanathapuram town. Furthermore, there are 9 Sub-District Hospitals.
Our Health department is divided into two Health Unit District(HUD) for administrative purposes namely Ramanathapuram HUD and Paramakudi HUD, with Ramanathapuram HUD having 5 Blocks and Paramakudi HUD having 6 Blocks.
Overall, there are 13 Upgraded Primary Health Centres (PHCs), 40 Additional PHCs, 5 Urban PHCs catering the primary health needs of both rural and urban population.
There are a total of 259 Health Sub-Centres in the district running for the welfare of the needy people who are economically backward.
The Location of the institutions have been marked in the map below.

Hospital Locations Map
We serve for the betterment of the people through the following schemes
Age | Vaccines |
At Birth | BCG OPV Zero dose Hep B birth dose(within 24 hours) |
6th week | Penta-1 OPV-1 IPV-1 |
10th week | Penta-2 OPV-2 |
14th week | Penta-3 OPV-3 IPV-2 |
9 months (After 270 days) | MR 1st dose JE 1 (in selected districts) |
16-24 months | DPT 1st booster OPV booster MR 2nd dose JE 2 (in selected districts) |
5-6 Years | DPT 2nd booster |
10th Year | TT single dose |
16th Year | TT single dose |
Pregnant Mothers | TT1 Early in pregnancy TT2 Four weeks after TT1 TT Booster If received 2 TT doses in a pregnancy within the last 3 years |
Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme:
Launched by the Government of Tamil Nadu, the Scheme provides quality health care to the eligible persons through empanelled Government and Private hospitals and to reduce the financial hardship to the enrolled families and move towards universal health coverage by effectively linking with public health system. The Scheme provides coverage for meeting all expenses relating to hospitalization of beneficiary as defined in the Scope of the Scheme.
- The scheme seeks to provide cashless hospitalization facility for certain specified ailments/ procedures.
- The scheme provides coverage up to Rs.1, 00, 000/- per family per year on a floater basis and for some listed High-end treatment, the overall limit is Rs.2, 00,000/-
- The Scheme also grants cover for Follow-up Treatment.
Dr.Muthulakshmi Reddy Maternity Benefit Scheme (MRMBS)
MRMBS is being implemented with a noble objective of providing assistance to poor pregnant women / mothers to meet expenses on nutritious diet, to compensate for the loss of income during motherhood and to avoid low birth weight of new born babies. The assistance which was given at Rs.12,000 per beneficiary has now been increased to Rs.18,000 per beneficiary since April 2018. The cash assistance is given in three installments on conditional basis(ensuring early registration, Delivery in a government institution and full immunization of the baby and restricted to two deliveries.
The institutionalization of NPCDCS at district level within the District Health Society, sharing administrative and financial structure of NRHM becomes a crucial programme strategy for NPCDCS. The NCD cell at District will ensure implementation and supervision of the programme activities related to health promotion, early diagnosis, treatment and referral, and further facilitates partnership with laboratories for early diagnosis including the monitoring of NPHCE.
- Availability of NCD Clinic with facilities for screening at all Government Health Facilities.
- Provision of screening services for men aged 30 years and above for Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus.
- Screening of women aged 30 years and above for Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Cervical and Breast Cancers.
- Referral for Confirmatory tests or for further evaluation.
- Referral for treatment of complications.
- Maintenance of Forms, Cards and Registers.
- Online data entry and reporting system.
Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (VBDC)
Malaria screening facility is available in all PHCs and Government hospitals. All fever cases are screened for malaria by collecting blood smears through Active Case Detection and Passive Case Detection. These slides are being examined within 24 hours and if malaria is confirmed, radical treatment being given within 48 hours as per NVBDCP drug schedule.
Private Lab-Technicians and Private clinicians are sensitized about the screening and treatment protocols and tablets have been issued to private hospitals to meet up the demand in treating positive cases.
Accredited Social Health Activists follow-up the positive cases and ensure their treatment for 14 days.
Dengue Fever (DF), an outbreak prone viral disease is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. DF is characterized by fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, rash, nausea and vomiting. Some infection results in Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF).
The Indian medicines such as Papaya juice extract, Nilavembu and Malaivembu kudineer along with conventional medicine are used for the control of Dengue.
Daily surveillance is carried out and the disease is now under control.
Leptospirosis being one of the reemerging infection of zoonotic origin. It requires timely diagnosis, treatment and control measures. Leptospirosis is being reported from most of the districts of TamilNadu. To strengthen the surveillance system and for early diagnosis of leptospirosis
Another scheme which benefits the poor where every mother who gave birth in the government hospital gets 16 types of products worth Rs 1000 at free of cost. This kit contains a baby towel, dress, bed, mosquito net, baby oil, soap, sanitizer, doll, medicine (for both the mother and the baby).
Kannoli Kappom Thittam
Kannoli Kappom Thittam is implemented in all the schools, including Government schools and Government Aided schools to identify the students having any eye defects by screening programme throughout the year screening all the children from class 6 to class 12.
Amma Arokkiya Thittam
With 25 basic and speciality investigations , it envisages offering treatment post-master health check-up for all health conditions that have been identified. The aim is to enable people to seek medical attention early instead of at a later stage when the disease is florid.The master health check-up to be offered for two days in a week will be a dedicated scheme. The cost of the check-up is completely free of cost.
Promotion of Menstrual Hygiene
Scheme for Promotion of Menstrual Hygiene: The scheme aims at ensuring that adolescent girls in the target group have adequate knowledge and information about menstrual hygiene and the use of sanitary napkins, that high quality, safe products are made available to them, and that environmentally safe disposal mechanisms are readily accessible.Through this scheme, 2 packs of sanitary napkins are given to a girl, once in 2 months, with each pack containing 6 sanitary napkins.
Hospital on Wheels:
Each Mobile Medical Unit covers 40 camps in a month. Services rendered by Mobile Medical Units especially in monitoring routine immunization/dropout immunization. The other routine services (Ante Natal Care, Post Natal Care, Family Welfare Services, Lab Services, Adolescent Care, Referral Services and Counseling Services) rendered by the MMU team are linked with the Village Health and Nutrition (VHN) day if the MMU visits the village on the same day.
Oral Health is vital for overall quality of life. Dental Care was undertaken to improve oral health because oral health is the basic expectation of all Indians. Oral health is the most basic human need.
Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP)
The goal of this programme is to detect and respond to disease outbreaks quickly. IDSP online data entry (weekly) is being done by respective District Surveillance Units and monitored by State and Central Surveillance Unit
Weekly Analysis and Forecast, Daily Reporting, Outbreak Reporting, Human Resources, laboratory strengthening are the key functionaries of IDSP.
Child health screening and Early intervention services programme under National Rural Health Mission and the programme aims at early detection and management of the 4Ds- Defects at birth, Deficiencies, Diseases and Developmental delays including disabilities along with Adolescent health concerns (38 health condition) among children.
Many schemes and components carried out under School Health Programme (SHP) in Tamilnadu namely modified school Health programme, Kannoli Kaapom Thittam), Comprehensive school children Dental programme, congenital Defects programme and various other NGO schemes had been merged under RBSK.
To facilitate health screening, each community block is provided with 2 Mobile health teams. Each team consists of either 1 Male Medical officer or 1 Female medical officer, 1 Staff nurse and 1 Pharmacist with computer skills. The children with identified conditions will be referred to the DEIC.The District Early Intervention Centres (DEIC) is placed at District Headquarters Hospital, Ramanathapuram.